DietOsure enables you to track and stabilize your blood sugar as well as enables you to see how your food choices and other lifestyle activities affect your metabolic health.Your metabolic health regulates your energy levels, appetite, sleep, weight, mood, long-term health, and more. With the help of DietOsure, you can optimize these with real-time feedback using data from continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).- GET GLUCOSE READINGS AND TRENDSStart receiving your blood sugar readings by scanning your NFC-enabled sensor. Learn how your current glucose and trend affect your health and energy levels.- LOG MEAL & WORKOUTSMatch your blood sugar with workouts and meals by logging them on your app.- PERSONALIZED FOOD INSIGHTSDiscover foods that work for you and optimize the ones that dont so you can cut through overwhelming diet and nutrition advice and find what works for you.- TRACK THE IMPACT OF MEDICINE ON YOUR GLUCOSE LEVELSTo understand your individual response to any metabolic speci medicine. Log the medicine with timings to let you and your medical consultant understand the impact the of medicine on individual for more personlised and precise treatment of metabolic diseases.- OPTIMIZE FITNESSTo stay energized throughout your workouts, you have to know how to fuel your body properly. Know if you’re under fueled, optimally fueled or over fueled for your activities. Improve performance and recovery- OPTMIZE SLEEP FOR BETTER & HEALTHY DAYSYour glucose levels during sleep hours affect your sleep quality and recovery. Your sleep quality in turn impacts your metabolic health the next day. Optimize these via the nocturnal glucose insights.---SAFETY, PRIVACY, AND TERMS OF USEThe data displayed in this app is for informational purposes only and should not be used to make medical decisions of any kind. Users should make medical decisions only through consultation with their physicians, and not based on any information presented in the DietOsure app. Please see our Terms of use on our website for more details.This app is not owned by or anyhow affiliated with any glucose tracking hardware manufacturer.---Privacy Policy: of Service: FOR MORE INFORMATION